Friday, September 7, 2007

Lost Teeth & Freed Arm

It's never a dull day for the Bowen Family! I should have known that it would be an eventful day when Fozzy kicked the day off by getting sick (he seems to be ok now!).

I did get to have some wonderful "me" time today -- some gals in the neighborhood are going through a Beth Moore study called "Living Beyond Yourself". It was lovely to get to spend some time over coffee with such fabulous ladies.

Today Charlie lost a tooth at school. Oh, did I forget to mention he lost one yesterday too?! Yup! Two teeth gone in two days! The tooth fairy is going to need to take out a loan. So Charlie's smile is changing again! Everyday he looks older and older. I know that's an obvious fact that your child will look older with each day -- but especially now that he has his hair longer (his choice) and all these big teeth in his mouth -- sometimes I just can't believe how quickly he is morphing into a preteen. Well, he'll get there soon enough!

I also was released from my cast today! I had this crazy notion that once the cast came off, I'd be able to drive straight to the gym and catch up on some weight training. Boy, was I wrong! I still have a hemotoma in the wrist that hasn't resolved, very limited mobility (my fingers seem the least affected!) and did I mention it HURTS to try and stretch the wrist out? The mere weight of my seatbelt took the wrist beyond the comfort flexibility zone today and sent me into a migraine. The dr. assured me that it would feel much better 5 days from now -- I don't believe her right now. The pictures show the hemotoma -- my wrist is very swollen still. Who knew? Kids always seem to bounce back after their cast experiences -- I'm beginning to have a "reality age check".

Well, we're off to Karate this evening and then we're off to get together with friends. I'm exhausted from the week --! Hope y'all are enjoying the pictures!

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