Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tyler's 6th Birthday!!!!

Can you believe Tyler is 6 years old?

And he is so wise! (that stinker!)

We told him he could choose between his very expensive bday gift request (a Nintendo DS) or have an official birthday party. He didn't hesitate in his decision -- he wanted the D.S. Ok then!

So we went out for an official family-only birthday dinner celebration at a local hibachi grill (YUM!). Tyler CHOSE this place. (yes, over Chuck E. Cheese!) The boys have found a new love for hibachi grills. And quite frankly, so have we! The boys are very entertained by the cooking and we wind up having a great meal! After our dinner out, we had a small family gift opening ceremony. My mom even made him his own homemade cake which he loved!

On his actual birthday, we surprised him by taking him to the Rainforest Cafe with a neighborhood friend. He then got to play a ton of huge video games at Sega Gameworks. All in all, since his birthday was on a weeknight, he celebrated a little bit over the course of 3 days and so he was well spoiled.

Hard to believe my baby is 6 years old. Thank God for Tyler -- I'm so lucky to have TWO awesome boys!

1 comment:

MoSmiles said...

Oh my goodness... HOW CUTE! He's getting so OLD! lol...
The pics are all so sweet and precious, especially the halloween ones... I just can't believe how blessed I am to know you guys! Tell Tyler happy belated birthday for me! :o)