Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Basket Ball Shoot Out

So I realize I'm not the best blogger. Add it to my list of things to improve on! Seriously! Don't worry, I've been giving myself a crazy guilt trip for not updating it more often but with the start of a new full time job, the blog has been moved to the bottom of the list!

Nonetheless, I've been taking pictures with the good intentions of someday, updating all who care to know about what has been going on with us in Texas!

So recently my mom and Gary came out to Texas for a whirlwind visit -- jam packed with tons of activities. One of which was the Basketball shoot out that Charlie insisted on participating in. I was so proud of him for giving it his all. All of the kids had to shoot on a 10 ft basketball hoop (crazy high!) and Charlie never gave up despite the many air balls that ensued.

He won honorary mention (at least in my book) and got a bottle of vitamins for his participation. Which normally, Charlie loves vitamins -- seriously, he asks for them all the time. But when he realized these weren't the best tasting vitamins, he promptly turned a little sour on the whole competition.

Oh well, better luck next time!

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